Author: Bob May 06, 2022 7 min read
So, you have an idea for a cartoon similar to TED-Ed 2D animations but have no idea how to implement it? You’ve come to the right place.
Our expert 2D department has made the educational video about Sojourner Truth called “Ain’t I a Woman?”. So, we’re fully aware of how to get a catchy and engaging video. If you want the same results, just follow our guide below!
It’s difficult to imagine a person who hasn’t seen TED-Ed videos at least once. If you are a YouTube user, they’d like to pump up in trends or recommendations. And you must have heard about TED — a deliverer of online talks and lectures—and TED-Ed (stand for animated educational videos), which takes place in myriad countries.
The main purpose of TED is to encourage people around the globe to learn. Thus, an extensive library of animated educational videos is a free resource of knowledge and an effective tool to make the learning process more enjoyable.
Over 250,000 teachers belong to TED-Ed global network and use the platform’s videos to create more interactive and exciting lessons. Students as well use them for self-education. Anyway, not only by teachers and students, TED-Ed’s audience is limited. Anyone who wants to know stuff is welcome to use the platform.
TED-Ed animations serve millions of teachers and learners. Why is it so popular?
First things first, it not just offers endless resources but stands out for content quality. Short and fun animated videos are made due to a collaboration of top experts in different areas and excellent designers. Besides, animations are usually linked to further resources or discussions, giving learners a vast pool of knowledge. Accessible for free, you can find TED-Ed videos on the official website or YouTube channel.
If you’re inspired by TED-Ed videos and now puzzle over how to create a similar 2D visualization, we’ll be glad to help with this. We made an educational 2D video for TED-Ed, so we know full well how to do that.
This is an impeccable way to personalize the knowledge and make it easy to understand for everyone.
You need to go through several steps to make a stunning 2D video, and here is our guide for you!
It’s hard to imagine a good animation video without a well-written script. As a teacher or anyone eager to share exciting information with others, you may have a more or less ready concept of your future TED-ED-like video. But you also need to explain it to others and surely see what it would look like at the finish.
Focus on what viewers will gain in the end. Clear goals and purposes will help you fulfill all the work in a more structured way and get what you want. Besides, keeping in mind your audience while creating a script will be very useful for choosing the right style of language, what information to add, and deciding whether it needs to be too detailed.
Don’t forget to write a catchy hook. The first 30 seconds are the most important. They affect whether a viewer will continue to watch the video. Grab your audience’s attention, then work on the body and make it flashy and exciting to deliver the message. Use a conclusion to sum up the video and overline the next steps.
So, you know who your target audience is and already have a script. The next step is to get down to create a storyboard. First, set out your key objectives and approximate timings. As you may have noticed, TED-Ed videos are mostly brief and packed only with essential information. Usually, their timings are between 5-10 minutes.
Try not to over-focus on many issues. It’s better to choose 2 or 3 and flesh them only with what’s really important and helps catch the topic to the point. Since a typical view can’t focus for a long time, you need to consider attention spans and make the video dynamic.
If you have too many ideas on what the video should look like, there is great software that can assist you in putting your ideas into a storyboard format. Thus, you’ll see what should be added and what can be dropped.
Of course, if you’re not a 2D designer, there are teams of professionals who can do that for you. Outsourcing this task to an agency will save you precious time. Since they know what they’re doing and actively use the trade tricks, a team of 2D experts will help you achieve the results you want faster.
Do you want to choose a cheaper option and animate your video by yourself? There are many animation software and platforms helping you with your task without requiring profound technical skills. You can choose a template and use the in-built tools to animate your story.
It’s difficult to imagine any TED-ED video with no agreeable background music or sound effects. It’ll be incredibly boring to watch such an animation. Thus, since your video carries the message, you need to think about music and sounds that will get it carved into a viewer’s memory.
Add the track that resonates with your target audience. And no need to look for a composer to write it. You can find music libraries with plenty of fabulous compositions. However, be careful of what you’re purchasing online. Sometimes music may not meet your quality expectations.
Before choosing background music, understand your audience and their tastes. Teenagers may like rock or house style, but funny and happy-go-lucky tracks are the right choice for kids.
Experiment with music. Make a list of compositions you want to use and try them to choose the right one.
Finally, narrate your video. Give voices to your characters and talk your viewers through. You can hire a professional actor to do that, use software to generate a robotic voice, or narrate it yourself. Whatever option you choose, just remember that the voice should be full of charisma and a bit of humor. A voiceover needs to keep the audience engaged, so take care it really does.
If you’ve done with story narration, it’s time to prepare the video for release. You’re almost there. Do the final revision and make corrections if necessary. Then, it’s ready to be published and promoted.
We all love TED-Ed videos for their catchy animation and the valuable information they share with us. So, by taking these videos for inspiration, you really can create a similar product. Just follow this guide, and you’ll come up with a professional 2D video, even if you’re new at this. So, let’s share big ideas with the world through animation!
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