Discovering Benefits of Virtual Reality Marketing: Wow-How Guide for 2024

Author: Bob Nov 21, 2023 12 min read

Here is some “wow” news for all marketing teams and businesses around the globe – virtual reality is making new waves in product visualization and can be used for further marketing campaigns! Virtual reality with the greater concept of Metaverse, as stated in Forbes, can be the potential marketing channel in the retail industry, healthcare, tourism, and more. Just imagine a Facebook or Instagram in the VR version, where people interact with moving images, can carefully look at virtual stores, and place an order. Although it is a theory yet, today we are going to talk about existing approaches only.

In this article, we will explain how virtual reality marketing works, talk about the benefits of virtual reality technology and marketing campaigns, and showcase trending VR marketing examples. So, let’s start our Wow-How journey!

Understanding VR Marketing

Virtual Reality Marketing

The concept of marketing in virtual reality isn’t hard to grasp because it is exactly what it sounds like. Using VR technologies for promoting your product can come in various forms. For example, instead of reading a text about a certain business brand, you can watch and listen to a 3D avatar telling you about it and showing it to you in real-time. We call it VR customer engagement, which leads to increased brand awareness and generates interest in potential customers.

Marketing in VR involves the use of VR headsets, 3D environments, and interactive content to captivate and immerse the audience in a brand’s message or products. Unlike traditional marketing channels, such as television or print, VR marketing allows customers to actively participate in the marketing campaign, providing a more memorable and personalized experience

Together with the technology of augmented reality, VR has become a powerful tool for realistic simulations in businesses. The idea is to transport users into a digital environment where they can interact with products, explore virtual showrooms, or take part in training and learning experiences.

Current State of Virtual Reality in 2024

Virtual Reality

Before we dive deeper into the benefits of virtual reality in business and its strategies, let’s look closer at the reality behind virtual reality life. 

According to virtual reality market research, only 19% of Americans have donned a virtual reality headset. The global number comes up to only 171 million, or roughly 2.1% of the global population. Compared to something as massive as the entirety of the Internet or social media, that is a drop in the bucket.  

The market research shows that virtual reality problems are numerous: 

  1. At least a third of VR users have experienced motion sickness while immersed in virtual reality. 
  2. Industry experts cite many obstacles to VR entering the mass market, including user experience i.e., bulky headsets and glitchy tech (27%), consumer and business reluctance to embrace VR (20%), and lack of quantity and quality of content (19%). 
  3. The UX point is further reinforced by customers and their buying criteria for a VR headset: good image resolution (52%), comfortable headset and controllers (44%), and high-quality audio (39%).

Nevertheless, there are the following positives of virtual reality that will be enhanced in the near future: 

Most importantly, 51% of companies are integrating or planning to integrate virtual reality into their marketing strategy.

Existing and Possible Use Cases of Virtual Reality Marketing 2024

VR technology is used in different ways for marketing purposes, and here are some use cases that can be implemented inside the virtual reality market.

  • Virtual Demos

In 2024, businesses can leverage VR technology to create immersive and engaging experiences for their customers. From automotive companies like Volvo showcasing their latest models to tech firms highlighting new gadgets, virtual product demonstrations offer a unique way to captivate audiences and drive sales.

  • Virtual Events and Conferences

Through VR technology, businesses can host virtual gatherings that offer the same level of user engagement as in-person events. Attendees can navigate virtual conference halls, interact with exhibitors, and attend keynote sessions, all from the comfort of their homes.

  • Virtual Store Experiences

In 2024, retailers are embracing VR and spatial computing applications to create digital storefronts that replicate the physical shopping experience. From browsing shelves to trying on virtual clothing, customers can enjoy a personalized and immersive shopping journey from anywhere in the world. This type of VR experience creates a desired lasting impression and can be considered a personalized experience.

  • Branding Through Virtual Influencers

Don’t be surprised, as virtual influencers indeed exist! These digital ambassadors embody brand values and resonate with tech-savvy consumers, contributing to effective brand storytelling and customer engagement.

  • Product Visualization

Now companies are leveraging VR to create lifelike 3D models of their products, giving customers a realistic preview of what to expect. Whether it’s furniture placement in a virtual room or previewing a new smartphone design, product visualization is a real benefit of virtual reality marketing.

Make your business ideas more engaging and evolving with stunning videos and animations!

Outstanding Examples of Virtual Reality Marketing

Virtual reality digital marketing is a new and prospective direction that has many unexpected uses. Here are some examples of virtual reality businesses examples that made their way into the innovative marketing niche. 

New York Times: VR Storytelling

The Displaced’ by the New York Times is a heart-wrenching immersive experience. Using text, photography, and virtual reality, the journalists partnering with created an absolute gut punch of a story about three kids displaced by wars in their countries. 

This novel approach took the “show, don’t tell” method to new heights. The story is deeply personal, which is further enhanced by the ability to watch it from the first person and interact with it. This type of VR experience brings the desired emotional connection between the viewer and the story “to be heard”. 

GSK: Migraine Experience

In the wide eye, migraines are often considered to be equal to headaches. They’re not, and GSK showed this with their VR Exedrin Migraine Experience.


This educational experience shows how visual symptoms of migraine, such as auras and light sensitivity, can impair the livelihood of ordinary people, and that is without including mind-splitting pain.

Volvo: Virtual Reality Test Drive

On a more positive note, Volvo showed how VR and marketing can work together to create breath-taking and immersive experiences. The company created a VR experience that took users on a cozy weekend ride in its XC90. 

The adventure featured picturesque mountain views along with a closer look at the model’s interior. With the help of the budget Google Cardboard, the application branded Volvo Reality reached over 20,000 users, many of them asking for more details on the vehicle.

Let’s Count VR Benefits for Marketing

Benefits of Virtual Reality

Your virtual reality marketing research would not be complete without knowing the advantages of VR in marketing campaigns. According to the existing cutting- edge technology and interactive elements, key benefits include:

  • Immersive Interactive Experiences

VR marketing excels in creating unique and memorable experiences that leave a lasting impact on consumers. When users put on a VR headset, they are transported to the VR environment where they can interact with products, explore virtual spaces, and participate in brand experiences without attending physical locations. This level of immersion makes your marketing message more vivid and memorable, increasing the chances of your brand sticking in the minds of your audience.

  • Emotional Connection

Virtual reality marketing has the power to evoke strong emotions. Whether it’s the thrill of a virtual roller coaster ride or the serenity of a virtual tour through a picturesque landscape, VR can create deep emotional connections with consumers. This emotional engagement can lead to increased brand loyalty and customer retention.

  • Interactivity and Personalization

Incorporating VR campaigns allows for a high degree of interactivity and personalization. Users can actively engage with products, making choices and experiencing scenarios in a personalized manner. This not only makes the marketing content more engaging but also provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and behavior, helping you tailor your marketing strategies more effectively.

  • Enhanced Product Visualization

For industries such as real estate, automotive, and retail, VR provides a powerful tool for product visualization. The virtual reality experience allows customers to virtually “try before they buy.” They can explore properties, test drive cars, and even try on clothing or accessories in a VR environment. This enhanced product visualization can lead to more confident purchasing decisions.

  • Competitive Advantages within the Industry

In a competitive marketplace, standing out is essential. VR marketing offers a unique and innovative way to engage with consumers. By adopting VR, you demonstrate your brand’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking marketing strategies, setting yourself apart from competitors who may still rely on traditional marketing methods.

  • Data-Driven Insights

VR marketing platforms have the ability to collect valuable data about user behavior and interactions within the virtual environment. This data can offer valuable insights into customer preferences, interests, and pain points. Armed with this information, businesses can refine their marketing strategies, create more personalized content, and make data-driven decisions that improve ROI.

  • Global Reach

VR transcends geographic boundaries, enabling you to reach a global audience. Whether it’s a virtual store accessible from anywhere in the world or a virtual tour of a travel destination, VR marketing can extend your reach far beyond the physical limitations of traditional marketing methods.

  • Enhanced Storytelling

Storytelling is at the heart of effective marketing, and VR takes storytelling to a whole new level. Brands can create immersive narratives that captivate and emotionally engage consumers, enabling them to step inside the brand’s story and become active participants in it.

Enhance your business with motion design and animation.

Overcoming 7 Challenges and Pitfalls of VR Marketing

Challenges of VR Marketing

While virtual reality digital marketing holds immense promise and potential and there are dozens of VR benefits, it also comes with its share of challenges and pitfalls. Let’s look at the key challenges associated with virtual reality and marketing. 

  1. Cost and Accessibility

One of the most significant barriers to VR marketing adoption is the cost associated with creating VR content and the need for specialized hardware. VR headsets, especially high-end ones, can be expensive, and not all consumers have access to this technology. To address this challenge, businesses can opt for more cost-effective VR solutions, such as mobile-based VR experiences, which are accessible to a broader audience with budget solutions like Google Cardboard. 

  1. Content Creation

Developing compelling and engaging VR content can be complex and time-consuming. Many businesses lack the in-house expertise to create immersive VR experiences. 

Collaborating with experienced VR content creators or agencies can help businesses create high-quality VR content with realistic simulations that resonate with their target audience. Additionally, utilizing user-generated content or providing tools for customers to create their VR experiences can be an effective approach.

  1. Technical Limitations

VR experiences must run smoothly and be free from technical glitches to provide a seamless experience. Technical issues, such as lag or poor graphics, can frustrate users. Rigorous testing and quality assurance are essential to identify and rectify technical issues. Utilizing powerful hardware and optimizing VR content for performance can help ensure a smoother user experience that in the final result will lead to increased engagement

  1. Limited User Base

As of 2024, very few people own a virtual reality headset, limiting the potential audience for marketing VR campaigns. While VR adoption continues to grow, businesses can still create content that can be experienced on non-VR platforms. This might include 360-degree videos or web-based interactive product demonstrations that reach a wider audience. 

  1. Privacy and Data Concerns

Collecting and using personal data in VR marketing can raise privacy concerns, potentially leading to consumer apprehension. Be transparent about data usage and privacy policies. 

  1. Niche Audience

VR marketing may not be suitable for all industries or products. Some businesses may find it challenging to integrate VR into their marketing strategies

Not every business needs to adopt VR marketing. Evaluating the relevance and feasibility of VR for the specific target audience and product is essential. For some companies, other emerging technologies like augmented reality may be a better fit.

  1. Evolving Technology

VR technology is rapidly evolving, which can make it challenging for businesses to keep up with the latest trends and innovations

Staying informed about developments in VR technology is vital. Businesses should continually reassess their VR strategies and be open to adapting to new trends and technologies.


Virtual reality marketing is slowly transforming the marketing space. Its immersive experiences, emotional connection, and interactivity offer businesses unique ways to engage with their audience. 

Incorporating virtual reality in digital marketing can be a new turning point, but be aware of and proactively address the challenges and pitfalls associated with it. Take the challenges into account and implement the suggested solutions to position yourself to make the most of the exciting opportunities offered by VR marketing.


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