
How to Create a Human-Centered Web Design: Expert Tips and Examples

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Human-centered design is not a trend, but a real necessity of the modern world. In the harsh marketplace, where everyone is trying to attract at least a few seconds of attention from the potential buyer, design plays a significant role.


Our lives have long been online, so today, most businesses think in terms of the growing digital age. What’s more, our routine can be fully digitized and automated much faster than you can imagine.


For a human-centered design website or mobile app to stand out from the crowd of original, engaging and amazingly beautiful user interfaces, you need to create something that is a kind of extension of the human mind. Something very intuitive. That is, in today’s digital world, there is a great need to create a precisely human-centric UX design.


Create a human-centered website with Wow-How


Why is human-centered design important?

A recent study showed that Americans spend an average of 10 hours a day looking at a screen. It’s important because, as designers, we are the architects of the experience users get while interacting with brands’ media channels. 


We see engagement when children learn to swipe, pinch, and scroll before they learn to turn pages in a real book. We observe it in users who forget the feeling when they pick up a pen to write and can never find paper nearby to compose an idea (who else needs paper?). We see it during the 13-second elevator ride, which is too excruciating not to duck into our five-inch screens for another dose of excitement, checking, and distraction.


Our new realities fit into tiny screens and laptops, our emotions are decreased to 30 variations of heart emojis in iMessage, our entertainment is reduced to Netflix, our communication is placed mostly on Twitter, and our contacts are collected on Facebook, etc.

Designers literally analyze how we cope with everything from grief to hunger, and what people decide to do about it. The way we access information is changing rapidly, but with it, the way we process it is also transforming.


How to design with the user in mind?

Dr. Donald Norman, a researcher in cognitive science, was the first to explain the importance of person-centered design in business. He said that design decisions should be based on the needs and desires of users. The value system he suggested contains:

  • empathy
  • optimism
  • iteration
  • creative confidence
  • faith in the process
  • uncertainty


Human-centered creators deeply understand the people they are trying to serve. They generate lots of ideas and develop innovative products based on buyers’ real needs.

To design with the user in mind, identify the clients who will adopt your product. Think about what they will use it for, and consider the conditions under which they will operate it. Observe people’s lives, listen to their hopes and needs, and understand their problems. This approach provides a common language for scientists, project participants, and end users.


The human-centered design process goes through six steps:

  • Specify the context of use and client needs.
  • Analyze business requirements.
  • Create solutions from rough concepts to finished designs.
  • Evaluate the design with a usability test.
  • Deploy the final product considering the changes in consumer needs.


How Has Human-Centered Web Design Changed the Design Process and Customer Behavior?

This method combines analysis, interviewing, creating product strategies, and applying tools to make UX as smooth as possible. Human-centered designers mostly develop an understanding of client desires by involving users in all phases of creating and testing. We rely on feedback, so iteration makes the creation process agile.


User-centered design (UCD) influences the final success of a product release. Microsoft’s website is one of the best examples of it. For a long time, they were a technology-driven organization. Now the corporation has changed its strategy to being user-centered. They have adopted a true design process that focuses on clients. UCD led them to business success.


The impact and possibilities of human-centered web design

This is an approach to problem-solving that places the people’s needs and experiences at the center of the design process. It involves empathizing with users, defining their needs, and designing solutions that are tailored to their unique requirements. The impact of customer-centered design is significant and wide-ranging. Here are some possibilities and benefits:


  • Better User Experiences. UCD helps create products and services that are easier to operate, more intuitive, and more enjoyable for the people who use them. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Increased Innovation. The design encourages developers to think creatively and develop solutions that address real human needs. This leads to more innovative products and services that meet users’ requirements in new and exciting ways.

  • Increased Efficiency. UCD reduces the time and resources needed to develop a product by focusing on customers’ preferences and pain points. This leads to faster development cycles, lower costs, and more efficient processes.

  • Increased Social Impact. User-centered design is applied to develop services that address important social issues, such as healthcare, education, and sustainability. By placing the needs of people at the center of the creation process, designers develop solutions that positively impact society.

  • Increased User Engagement. Facilitating client participation throughout the design process leads to increased buyer engagement and satisfaction. This results in a client who is more willing to provide feedback and contribute to the development of products and services.


By putting people at the center of the creation process, designers can build products and services that meet the needs of users, while also having a positive impact on society.


Human-centered design research methods

What is particularly important about human-centered design is that it is scientific and that experimentation, iteration, research, and learning from failure come first. For example, analyzing user behavior is one of the most essential steps in UCD development. This term refers to talking to people about their problems, goals, and limitations. However, there will be times when you need more context, history, or data than an interview with a “person off the street” can provide.


Speak to customers you are designing for directly through face-to-face, group, or expert interviews. There is no better way to understand their hopes, desires, and aspirations. Write down the feedback you hear, and use that chance to ask more questions and take your ideas further.


Adaptive principles of human-centered design are:

  • a clear understanding of users, tasks, and conditions;
  • evaluation-oriented design;
  • consideration of the overall customer experience;
  • involving the customer in the design process.


What is desirable to do to create a successful human-centered design?

Human bias is in the very DNA of UCD. Starting with people, their hopes, fears, and needs, designers tend to discover what is most desirable. But this is only one lens through which we look at our solutions. Once designers have identified answers for the target community, it’s time for technical expertise. They also need to figure out how to make the explanation financially viable. Finding a balance is critical for the success and sustainability of design solutions.


When the goal is to get effective results, you can’t live in abstractions. You have to make decisions that are workable and viable.


1. Make the interface homogeneous for the entire project

The main principle of a well-created human-centered design UX is homogeneity or consistency in the interface across all pages. Color schemes, fonts, and writing style can have a positive impact on usability and client experience when combined in the right way.


2. Develop easy-to-use navigation

Think about how the user will be more comfortable guiding the project. Good navigation plays an important role in person-centered design: it can be a guiding star. Use the top-level menu only for the most significant pages of the project. Do not add more than seven items to this menu, better place lower-level navigation with clearer categories.


3. Make the page easy to scan with your eyes

One of the main things in human-centered design UX is easy scrolling. First-time users are more likely to glance through the content of a page than read it. What’s more, they will crawl through it until they find what they came to your site for. You can guide users to the page with a visual hierarchy. Designate where to emphasize first, second, and so on.


4. Take the content of the site seriously

The main task of the human-centered designer is to make sure that the result of his work complements the content of the site and improves the perception of information. Good design and quality content are the main signs of a project made with intelligence and care.

  • The text must be relevant and useful, otherwise, potential clients won’t get interested in your products or services.
  • Do not use jargon. Information should be presented in a simple form so that users of different levels can read and understand it correctly.


5. Lead the user down the page

Scrolling sends people to the bottom of the site and makes them pay more attention to the product, which in turn can affect conversion rates. The top of the page is important too, even though many people start to scroll down after they finish loading. Content at the top motivates them to read what’s at the bottom (if your product gets the user interested at all, of course).


Wrapping Up

Creating a human-centered web design is essential to provide users with an enjoyable and satisfying experience. By understanding client behavior, preferences, and needs, web designers create sites that are intuitive, efficient, and easy to navigate. Incorporating customer research, usability testing, and responsive design are crucial elements in achieving a great web design.


Furthermore, the benefit of visual elements, such as color, typography, and imagery, significantly impacts buyer engagement and satisfaction. Aesthetically pleasing websites can also communicate a brand’s personality, values, and mission, creating an emotional connection with the users.


Ultimately, developing UCD is not a one-time process. It requires continuous evaluation and optimization to ensure that the site remains user-friendly and accessible. By prioritizing the client’s experience, web designers create websites that not only meet their client’s goals but also provide buyers with a delightful experience that keeps them coming back.



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