
How Much Does the Whiteboard Video Cost?

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Videos created on the whiteboard were mainly used only for education 5 years ago. Nevertheless, things have dramatically changed after the marketing specialists have realized its promotional power. Nowadays it is employed for business and advertisement. It is getting more regarded day-by-day, gaining such enormous approval because of the simplicity of the form combined with interactivity.



The drawn image is an effective way of explaining ideas to people because it is universal. Besides, the classic representation on the board is understandable for all kinds of audiences: children and adults, men and women, workers and scientists. If you want to employ this useful marketing tool to develop your business and boost revenue, then you probably have examined the pricing. However, the cost for the video varies from company to company. It happens because there are many constituents of the video’s pricing. Read this article to learn them all and realize what the company is affordable for you.


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What influences the cost of a whiteboard video?


Whiteboard animation is always of a striking effect because with its help you can quickly render even the most difficult concepts to the audience. This type of videos is surprisingly effective, especially taking into account that it involves only a white canvas and an invisible hand drawing visuals followed by the voice narration. Moreover, even though it is quite simple, you as a client need to choose the style of scribes for the whiteboard animation – whether you need simple images that even an amateur may produce or you are looking for high-quality, high-resolution, realistic images. Thus, based on these issues, the final cost of your whiteboard animation will be calculated based on four criteria:

●     Quality. The length of your video. A traditional cost per minute is $2,500-$10,000.
●     Quantity. Cheaper videos have less attention to detail and less engagement.
●     Style. Live-action, animation, or hand-drawn images.
●     Speed. The number of images you would like to see in the video.



All these factors make a difference when it comes to the impact that your whiteboard video will have on the audience. That is why you need to do profound research to find a specialist who can convey the theme quickly and precisely, catching the spectator’s eye. Always consider these factors before hiring a company and paying for its video services.


The main components of a whiteboard video?


  1. Usually, it takes about one hundred hours to make 1 minute of a whiteboard video. Among them there are:
    Animation. This constituent is the main one, and the time for the design of the animation takes almost half of the whole time. A professional animator with a lot of experience can create about three videos a month.
  2. Video production. It consists of three steps: script writing, video production itself, and post-production. Usually, the required time for this component takes about 30%.
  3. Design. It is another crucial component of success for a video. You need to discuss your vision of the concept with the designer from the very beginning to avoid misunderstandings and finally receive an impressive video. Of course, it is better to appeal to the companies with experienced designers with a solid reputation.
  4. Sound. This component sets the atmosphere and tone of the whole video. When it comes to music, there are three options: to hire a person to compose music for you, to pay some money to rent music for the video or to buy music with all the copyrights. The first variant is the most expensive, but all the rights for the music will belong to you.
  5. Video length. It is evident that the cost directly depends on the length of the video. We recommend staying within the time limits of 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will be challenging for a spectator to follow the video and assimilate the information.



Summing up the pricing of the whiteboard video


Whiteboard videos have gained popularity because of a wide range of applications. The graphics of this type is the best for demonstrational, educational and selling goals. It is of a simple, well-known, and eye-catching form, helping to capture the audience’s attention and to render difficult ideas to them effectively.
When it comes to pricing, it depends on the experience and status of the companies you want to hire. The main video price components are its length, and the quality of its animation, sound, design, and production. It may be challenging to find a company that would satisfy all your requirements at an affordable price. Don’t lose your spirit: we have a solution for you! Our company will render whiteboard video production services of highest standard to help you to embody your ideas and to upgrade it according to the newest technologies. Read more details here.


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