Categories: Video

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy — Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re surfing the web, you’ve probably noticed how incredibly influential videos can be. They’re practically everywhere, from your favorite social media platforms to online shops and your email inbox. The magic happens when videos are crafted just right; they can do wonders for your brand. Think of increased visibility, more engagement, and a higher conversion rate–—that’s the power of video marketing. 75% of video views now come from mobile devices. Keep this in mind when adjusting your content strategy.

But here’s the thing: to truly supercharge your video marketing game, you’ve got to have the right strategies up your sleeve. You don’t need to break the bank or spend endless hours to make it happen. In this post, we are thrilled to share seven fantastic video marketing strategies tailor-made for 2023. These gems will help you make the most out of your video marketing endeavors. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into how to build a winning strategy!



Crafting an In-Depth Guide for Developing a Video Marketing Strategy


Video marketing has been around for a while, but how marketing teams approach it keeps evolving. With the rise of social media, marketing teams are now eager to harness the power of video to boost engagement across all their social platforms. Next, we’ll go over 7 points on how exactly to create the perfect video marketing strategy. 


Establish Objectives For Your Video Marketing Efforts

When you embark on a new marketing adventure, the first step is to set some goals. So, what’s the aim of your videos here? If you’re just starting out, we suggest keeping it simple and not overwhelming yourself with too many objectives. For instance, you could aim to boost brand awareness through your videos.

However, don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted script and some creativity. Your video marketing strategy has the potential to do much more than just make people aware of your brand. It can also help guide potential customers through their decision-making journey, provide valuable information about their recent purchases, and even ignite enthusiasm for your brand.

Marketing is a journey with five key stages, and videos can fit seamlessly into each of them. All you need to do is tailor your social media video marketing strategy to target these stages effectively. 


Determine The Platforms To Focus On

Before we dive into video types, lengths, and all that jazz, let’s get strategic. With so many social media platforms out there, churning out video content for all of them isn’t the best idea. Quality should always come before quantity.

Consider platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook; they stand out for video content. As a marketer, prioritize your brand’s targeted audience over personal preferences for a successful video campaign. Remember, each social platform has different video results. Some excel at engagement, while others are better for conversion-focused content. 


Choose The Types Of Videos To Create

When planning your video marketing strategy, remember two key elements: content quality and presentation format. Consider the platform where you will upload your videos to avoid any issues.

Thankfully, there are tools available to convert videos into different formats. For other content types like testimonials, Q&As, or tips & tricks videos, adapt to platform-specific requirements. For example, vertical videos work better on Facebook and Instagram, while the landscape is ideal for YouTube.


Strategize Content Production

Crafting a video marketing strategy and a solid content production plan can save you time and money. Whether you prefer digital tools or old-fashioned pen and paper, it’s vital to outline your video creation process.

Consider outsourcing to ease the workload, leaving the planning to professionals. But if you’re going in-house, remember these key steps:

  • Identify equipment and props;
  • Write an engaging script;
  • Edit and refine the script;
  • Create a visual storyboard;
  • Plan the shoot strategically;
  • Assemble and nurture your team;
  • Choose suitable filming locations with timing in mind;
  • Know where to send footage for video editing;
  • Define approval roles for each step;
  • Ensure licensed music usage.

Expect adjustments and discoveries as you refine your plan, especially if you’re new to comprehensive video planning. 


Comprehend The Elements Of Post-production

Make sure to allocate enough time for video post-production, especially if you plan to use your video marketing strategy for advertising purposes or if they require extensive editing. Video post-production involves more than just trimming and arranging scenes to fit music; it also encompasses tasks like adding closed captions, text overlays, call-to-action screens, and more. The level of polish you want for your video and the amount of footage you have captured will determine how much time you will need.

Some videos may only need minimal edits after video production. For instance, if you’ve hosted a Facebook Live session, the video is typically published right after it ends. You’ll have the opportunity to make changes to the caption and title, but major edits may be challenging.

Keep in mind that uploaded videos will still benefit from video post-production enhancements. On platforms like YouTube, you can add tags, include closed captions in multiple languages, provide detailed captions and more.


Create a Schedule And Actively Promote Your Videos

Now that your awesome video is ready, it’s time to make it shine. With tools like Sprout, you can easily schedule and promote it. You can fine-tune details like tags, categories, and privacy settings on platforms like YouTube. Plus, Sprout lets you manage your TikTok content alongside other social posts, all in one place.

Remember, while creating a video marketing strategy, don’t treat your social media videos as one-offs. You can share them across multiple platforms over a month, like Twitter, and promote it regularly for live streams. Also, one recording session can give you multiple video clips to work with—get creative, and think big when promoting your content!


Gain Insights Through Comprehensive Metric Analysis

In the grand scheme of things, the final step in any content strategy is an absolute game-changer: the analysis phase. It’s like peeking behind the curtain to uncover the magic of your video’s performance. So, how do you go about it? Well, you’ll want to dive into the stats—check out the view counts, watch times, shares, likes, and comments. Each social platform has its unique set of video metrics, so it’s super important to get acquainted with them before you start your creative journey.

Don’t worry, though, because each platform comes with its built-in analytics tool to help you dissect how your video content did. The key here is to align the metrics you choose for analysis with the goals you initially set. Let’s say your aim was to boost brand awareness through your video marketing strategy—in that case, metrics like impressions or video views would be your trusty sidekicks on this analytical adventure!


3 Effective Video Marketing Strategies for Businesses to Implement in 2023


In 2023, video marketing remains a vital tool for businesses to engage and connect with their target audience. In this part, we will explore three powerful video marketing strategies to enhance your brand’s presence and growth in the digital world. Whether you’re an experienced marketer or a newcomer, these strategies provide actionable insights for success in the evolving digital landscape.


1. Get more mileage out of your videos

Creating a video marketing strategy involves more than just shooting and video editing. To truly connect with your target audience and evoke emotions, you must invest time in essential tasks like understanding their challenges, brainstorming innovative ideas, crafting a content schedule, and scripting engaging narratives.

This is where the magic of repurposing comes into play. Repurposing videos, just like recycling any content, can be groundbreaking, saving you time, money, and energy. When you repurpose videos, you’re essentially recycling your existing video content in various ways and across multiple platforms. You can effortlessly transform your product demos, customer success stories, and educational content into versatile assets for sharing across diverse channels.

For instance, think about turning a lengthy hour-long webinar into four or five bite-sized video clips, perfect for sharing on your social media platforms. Or consider repurposing your video content into engaging podcast episodes by extracting the audio. It’s all about getting the most out of your valuable content.


2. Integrate User-Generated Videos into Your Marketing Initiatives

Leveraging user-generated content (UGC) presents a remarkable opportunity to craft a video marketing campaign that resonates with genuineness and connection. UGC encompasses content generated and shared by users or unpaid contributors who passionately engage with a brand’s products or services.

Content originating from a brand’s user base or unpaid enthusiasts is more likely to earn trust and forging connections than content directly produced by the brand itself.

You have numerous options for incorporating UGC video storytelling effectively:

  • Incorporate them into your paid advertising initiatives;
  • Showcase them prominently on your website or landing pages;
  • Integrate them into your email marketing campaigns;
  • Share them across your social media platforms.


3. Embrace the Trend of Vertical Videos

Are you a fan of scrolling through your TikTok or Instagram Reels feed? In recent years, the popularity of vertical videos in video marketing strategies has skyrocketed, largely due to the widespread use of mobile devices. With over 5.44 billion people worldwide using mobile phones, it’s no wonder people are increasingly consuming video content on their handheld devices.

However, there has always been a significant issue when it comes to mobile video consumption: the need to rotate the phone to watch videos in full-screen mode. While users may occasionally pivot their smartphones for content like vlogs, documentaries, movies, and TV shows on platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, and others, they are less inclined to turn their phones sideways for video ads.

Wrapping up


Crafting a successful video marketing strategy is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful planning, creativity, and adaptability. The world of digital marketing is continually evolving, and videos have emerged as a powerful tool to engage and captivate targeting audiences. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can create a video marketing strategy that not only drives traffic and conversions but also builds a strong and lasting connection with your target audience.

Remember that a successful video marketing strategy is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It should be tailored to your specific goals, industry, and target audience. Regularly analyze your performance metrics and be ready to adjust your content strategy as needed. 

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in video marketing with Wow-How to ensure that your content remains fresh and relevant!


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