
Remarkable Website: Main Features of an Advanced Web Design That Drives More Leads

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There are plenty of methods to drive website traffic, but how to make visitors buy from you? Conversions depend on what people see after clicking on a link in Google: if the content is matching, the offer is seducing and all web design elements look perfectly, then prospects are much more likely to purchase products or order services.


In fact, according to the survey by Econsultancy and WhatUsersDo, 74% of consumers say they will leave a website if it is too difficult to find what they are looking for.


It’s obvious that effective website design is a key to success. Anyway, what’s the most important in web design to convert visitors into quality leads in a blink of an eye? Let’s find out together!


Choose professional website designing for your project


Why Web Design is Important

Visually appealing websites drive more conversions as visitors feel more comfortable and can complete purchases easily. Pleasant colors make potential clients stay longer on your resource, interacting with it in various ways — reading blogs, answering queries, filling out forms and so on. Poorly designed sections and buttons may confuse visitors, so they will leave as soon as possible. Who wants to be confused? No one.


So, we can explain the importance of web design with the following list of benefits businesses get after renovating their brand platforms.


  • Better SEO — If you have a poorly designed website, Google won’t be able to index it properly and people won’t be able to find you on search engines. If you have a well-designed website, Google will be able to read your content more easily and rank you accordingly.


  • Increased traffic — When people visit your site, they are more likely to stick around if they like what they see and interact with it (and hopefully buy from you).


  • Higher conversion rate — A well-designed site will lead visitors through the sales funnel with ease — making them feel comfortable along the way and making it easier for them to convert into leads or customers.


What are the Vital Characteristics of a Good Website?

Making your website user-friendly is an essential part of the digital marketing process. The goal of any business is to attract new customers, and if your site isn’t easy for visitors to navigate, you’re going to have a hard time doing that. So, which item is most important for a successful website design? We can’t answer right away, but our experts prepared the list of most common features of a good website that converts visitors into leads.


Consider website as a sales channel

For lead generation, website design is critical, as prospects form their opinion about your brand according to its positioning and very first touchpoints like on-website forms, menu simplicity and so on. 


The most important thing about your website is not how many visitors it gets, but how many of those visitors become customers. The better your website converts visitors into leads, the more likely you’ll get customers from this channel. Here are some tips on how to do that:


  • Use Google Analytics and other tools to understand how people are finding your site. Are they coming from social media? Are they finding you through search or email? This will help you learn about how people are finding your site and where to focus your efforts. So, the purpose of website design here will be to optimize it as a strong sales channel that meets customer expectations.


  • Understand what content on your website is most popular with visitors. You might have pages that rank well in search engines, but no one ever clicks on them. This tells you that those pages aren’t helping drive traffic or conversions — so why keep them around?


Customer-friendly interface

Focus on the visitor. When someone visits a website, they want information — and fast! Make sure that all pages are clearly laid out with relevant content at eye level (or above). Remove clutter, so website visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. Quality web design considers all the needs of your prospects, making their navigation experience smooth enough.

The most common reason why people leave a website is because it’s too complicated to navigate through. If a visitor finds your landing confusing, he might not return to it again, and you might lose potential leads as well. A customer-friendly interface makes it easier for the visitors to find what they want and also provides them with enough information about the product or service they are looking for.


SEO-friendly website

Not only quality web design, but also SEO plays a big role in lead generation. All good website examples have strong optimization. This is why they get a high ranking in the search engine results. As a result, more people will visit your website and this will help in increasing your sales and revenue.

Another reason why you need to make your website SEO-friendly is to increase its credibility. If you have a good website which is optimized well, then people will trust you and believe that you sell quality products/services. This will help them make a purchase decision easily without any hesitation.

If possible, include keyword phrases in headings so search engines will rank them higher when users search those terms online. This will also help boost engagement rates over time, since people tend not only want but expect certain things when visiting certain kinds of sites like yours (e.g., e-commerce sites should focus more heavily on product descriptions than general informational content).

Special customer experience and treatment

Although the purpose of website design is to create a user-friendly environment that leads visitors from the awareness stage to consideration to conversion, you should also pay attention to making this path engaging and pleasant for everyone. Personalized approach is what distinguishes successful business websites from the ones that are less likely to provide owners with expected conversions.


A personalized customer experience is not just about providing products or services that are tailored to the unique needs of each visitor; it’s also about providing a positive experience that makes each client feel like they are being understood and cared for as an individual.


The best way to do this is by using analytics tools to track visitor behavior on your site, such as their location, devices and interests. Then use this information to make sure your web design features and content align with what they want, need, and expect from your business.


Conversion-driven website

Sometimes, business founders expect significant results from bold web pages that aren’t even optimized to convert users. The purpose of any landing should be obvious to customers, as they have to fully understand what is going to happen, e.g. while submitting their personal information. If the purpose is unclear, prospects won’t take the target action, as your website doesn’t stimulate them to. For example, how exactly should potential customers figure out that you want to collect their phone numbers or sell goods if you don’t tell them directly about this?


Easy-to-maintain website

One of the most important principles of web design is making sure that your website is easy-to-maintain. This means that you should be able to add new content, edit existing content and disable or enable pages on your website with ease.


Make sure that your website design features are easy on the eye, so it doesn’t take too much time for visitors to load their pages. If you have too many images or videos on one page, then this could slow down the loading speed of your website and affect how quickly people leave it before reaching any content that interests them.


7 Expert Tips on How to Make a User-Friendly Website to Double Leads

There are plenty of ways you can make your resource user-friendly by applying main principles of web design. In fact, our research has shown that these seven tactics will double your leads and make website visitors more likely to convert into customers.


1. On-website chatbot

The term “chatbot” refers to a computer program that simulates human conversation. Chatbots can be used on websites and social media platforms to provide information about your business, answer customer questions, or complete tasks like scheduling appointments. They’re especially helpful for engaging with customers who are hesitant about contacting you directly — for example, if they’re worried about bothering the sales team or don’t want their question sent into email limbo. Boosting clients’ experience and satisfaction rate, chatbots are vital elements of a good website.

Chatbots can also help convert leads into paying customers by helping them get through any hurdles between awareness and conversion (like filling out forms). Just make sure that when someone reaches out through your website chatbot, they’ll end up talking to a real person at some point.


2. Clear and catchy CTAs

CTAs are essential elements of any website. If you don’t have one, you might as well not even have a website at all! The CTA is what gets people to act, whether it’s signing up for your email list or buying a product. By the way, personalization may boost the effectiveness of your call to action up to 202%.

There are numerous ways to make sure it is clear and catchy:

  • Make sure the CTA is visible on all devices — mobile, tablet and desktop.
  • Use phrases like “sign up now” or “get started today” to give website visitors an idea of what they’ll get when they click through.
  • Make sure the CTA is easy to find by placing it in prominent locations on every page of your site (but not so prominent that it distracts from other content).


3. Click-to-text buttons

If you want your website to be user-friendly, then click-to-text buttons are a great way to make it easy for visitors to contact you. These buttons should be placed on the most relevant pages and in a place where they will be seen. The buttons themselves should also be clear, with an understandable call to action that tells users what they need to do next. Such an approach makes website elements interactive, so users are more likely to act spontaneously.


4. Easy-to-find contact information

A user-friendly website should be easy to navigate. To make it so, you need to make sure that your users can easily find the contact information they need. To do this:


  • Include the phone number and email address in your footer (and maybe even a social media link).
  • Add a contact form on your homepage that leads directly to an inbox where customers can send their queries via email or text message. This might seem like overkill at first glance — after all, who wants another thing cluttering up their screen? But studies prove that people are more likely to fill out forms if there’s no barrier between them and their goal: getting in touch with someone about their problem or question as quickly as possible.
  • Include a short blurb about how great it would be if clients did call instead of emailing because then someone from customer service could answer any questions immediately rather than waiting for hours until an email response comes back.


5. Contact forms on relevant pages

Contact forms can be a great way to generate leads, but they have to be placed on relevant pages and optimized for user experience. Nevertheless, there are a few main criteria of an ideal contact form that easily converts prospects into leads and becomes one of the essential elements on a website.


  • It should stand out on your web page with a clear call-to-action that encourages visitors to fill it out.
  • The contact form should be easy to fill out: ask only the information that you need to provide an accurate response and make a sale (or at least get people interested enough in your services so that they want more info). Make sure there’s no fluff; keep the questions simple and concise, so users don’t get lost or distracted trying to figure out what exactly they’re supposed to do next.
  • The contact form must be responsive: This means adapting automatically based on device type being used (iPad vs desktop computer) without requiring any additional effort from either party involved.


6. Blog-centered content strategy

If you have an interesting blog post, it will likely attract website visitors who are interested in the topic. According to statistics, 8/10 people read headlines, and only 2/10 read the rest. When they click on your blog link, they’ll see what else you have to offer and may become a customer or lead. To make sure that your blog content is effective at attracting leads, keep these tips in mind:


  • Make sure that each post has unique information that isn’t available elsewhere on the web. This will help differentiate yourself from competitors, who may also be trying to attract website visitors with their own blogs.
  • Write quality articles for each post, rather than just dumping out random thoughts about whatever comes into mind when writing an article; this will show potential customers how much effort you put into creating content for them!


7. Responsiveness

Responsive design is a must. A website that isn’t responsive will look awful on mobile devices and could result in lost visitors. If you don’t have the skills or budget to build a fully responsive site, there are some options available for testing whether your current site is responsive. Firstly, you can use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to test whether your site is mobile-friendly (and then fix any issues). Secondly, you can try the Mobile Friendly Test tool from Pingdom or WebPagetest.


Wrapping Up

Today, we shouldn’t underestimate the importance of website design, as it plays a key role in lead generation. In terms of high competitiveness, customers tend to choose not from several companies, but from several hundreds. So, you should take care of your overall image as well as of the very first touchpoints your prospects face.


In this article, we gathered all the essential elements of a website and advised on the ways to design them perfectly. Follow them, and you will get a workable channel of quality leads, which is easy to adjust, update and control.



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