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What is CAD?

CAD is a special technology for engineering simulations of objects.

The term comes from Computer-aided design (CAD)  – usage of computers to create, modify, or optimize design using the CAD software.

CAD is used to design lines (curves) and figures in 2D space, or curves, surfaces, and solids in 3D space. So terms, 2D CAD drawings and 3D CAD models are often used.


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3D CAD technology includes:

–      Solid Modeling;

–      Modeling of NURBS surface.


CAD technology allows artists to modify elements on models. If the characters are mechanical objects that are necessary to change, that is clearly seen in cyberpunk style, the artist uses CAD.

Work in CAD is parametric – everything follows certain parameters. At this point, you can change things, you can model things.

It is worth noting that this technique of design is used not just for visualizing thoughts into 3D models, but it also allows to test the material for stretching, deformation and so on. That’s why CAD is widely used by engineers, who create prototypes for factories.


CAD Software

Also, this technique is used by 3D artists. They use a lot of programs to work with it, the most popular are:

  • Solidworks;
  • Fusion 360;
  • Rhinoceros;
  • MOI 3D.




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